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Teachers' Word

Free CBSE ICSE Specimen Sample Books for Teachers: Latest Specimen Books for UPSC, NEET, JEE Main, School Exams, and Competitive Entrance Exams

Teachers are the real heroes in the world of education. While education plays a major role in every individual's life, a knowledgeable educator helps their students in maximising their true potential.

The teacher serves as the role of a God for a student. They are the true pillars of knowledge. To express our gratitude to such esteemed educators, Oswaal Books is offering FREE Specimen Sample Books for Teachers throughout the year.

We are dedicated to offering the best study material to both students and teachers. To help you achieve educational success, we provide the most relevant study material aligned with the educational authorities.

Whether you are a teacher in the public, private or government sector, you are eligible for the latest Oswaal Free CBSE Specimen Sample Books for CBSE Boards and school exams.

Have you ever wondered which tool has the potential to change the world? Let us help you with it. It’s nothing but “EDUCATION”. Education can make the best out of everything and no one understands this better than a teacher.

The influence of a teacher on an individual’s life is beyond imagination. A teacher is the building block that shapes a person’s life and the society. It is rightly said, “A teacher brings honour and goodness to society”.,

From Guru Dronacharya to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, teachers have left an irreplaceable influence on society. To show gratitude to our respected teachers, Oswaal Books provides FREE Specimen Sample Books for Teachers throughout the year.

Oswaal Books strives to help learners and educators make the best of their abilities by providing them with updated educational content as per the latest syllabus recommended by governing bodies. Anyone who teaches at a private school, government school, or any institution is eligible for the latest Oswaal Free CBSE ICSE Specimen Sample Books for Teachers | Specimen Books for UPSC NEET JEE Main | Entrance & Competitive Exams.

Apart from the standard textbooks, we go the extra mile to help all teachers and students with digital online support. If you are an educator who wants to receive the Specimen | Sample Books for Teachers, you must do a tiny task.

Just follow the steps mentioned below to get your FREE Specimen | Sample Books for Teachers: -.

Once we receive the details, we will send you the books you have chosen. In addition to them, you will also receive some exciting goodies from us. It's our way of showing our gratitude.

Also, if you want more than two books, you can just let us know the same through the form. We will try our best to send them to you. But we can’t make a promise right away!

We look forward to your valuable order. Your suggestions are precious to us, so please send them to us if there are any. We assure you of the best service and cooperation from our end. We look forward to helping you in your journey of educating not just individuals but generations.

A Teaching Log to Dialogue Yourself

Here’s a suggestion to take your teaching skills a notch up. Maintain a daily teaching journal or log on your teaching. Initiate by drafting your lesson plan on the right-hand side of your notebook and take up the left-hand side for comments and reflection. This will help you progress consistently as a teacher.

Ask yourself the following questions for analysis

Oswaal Books supports a teacher’s contribution to education by providing the latest Free CBSE ICSE Specimen Sample Books for Teachers | Specimen Books for UPSC NEET JEE Main | Entrance & Competitive Exam Books.

These Specimen | Sample Books for Teachers, also contain cognitive exam-ready tools such as mind maps, mnemonics and much more to enhance exam preparation.

Teacher Specimen FAQs

Q. Do we ask for OTP while Delivering Teacher specimen books for teachers?

Ans. Don't share OTP for Specimen copies. Neither India Post nor Oswaal Books will ask for OTP or share a link for parcel delivery. Specimen copies are free for teachers. If requested to pay or provide OTP, contact your nearest post office immediately. Stay vigilant!

Q. Are there any restrictions on who can request a specimen book for teachers?

Ans. Typically, specimen copies are intended for teachers, educators, or institutions such as schools. The purpose is to allow them to review the material before deciding on bulk purchases for educational use.

Q. What are the shipping charges for specimen books for teachers?

Ans. Teachers can obtain specimen books for free; there are no charges involved.

Q. Can I request a replacement of the Teacher Specimen copy if the one I receive is damaged?

Ans. Certainly, we offer a replacement policy if a teacher receives a damaged copy. Teachers can raise the issue within 7 days of receiving the specimen copy by contacting us at 7454878690.

Q. Does the Teacher specimen copy represent the Latest published material?

Ans. Teacher specimen copies are generally representative of the latest published material, but it's essential to confirm this information with the publisher. Editions may be updated, and it's crucial to ensure that you have the most current version.

Q. Is there any difference between a specimen book for teachers and a student textbook?

Ans. No, there is no difference between a specimen book for teachers and a student textbook.

Q. I am a Tuition Teacher. Will I be eligible to get the Teacher Specimen Copy?

Ans. All teachers qualify for the specimen copy, but they must fulfill the basic document requirements mentioned in the specimen form.

Q. Can I request specimen book for teachers for multiple subjects or courses?

Ans. As per the company policy, we can supply a maximum of 1 or 2 books to each teacher based on the subjects they teach.