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  • April 16, 2022
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books



The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET-UG) is India’s pre-medical entrance test for students who wish to pursue medical, dental and AAYUSH courses in the premiere government and private institutions in India or are planning for primary medical qualification abroad should get ready as the countdown to the exam has started.


The registration process for NTA NEET 2022  has been started which will be conducted on 17 July 2022. Exactly three months from now.


Although you might have been preparing for NTA NEET 2022  for a long time and have been waiting for it to happen as it's your dream. But still, it should be kept in mind that you are entering a crucial phase of time.


With CBSE Term 2 looming over within a couple of weeks you can easily lose the plot if you don’t pay attention to the demands of the present with a constant eye on the future.


NTA NEET UG is considered the most competitive exam in India. The need of the hour is for students to formulate a unique strategy to prepare for this exam in portions and also give their 100 per cent to the CBSE Term 2 exam.


The NTA NEET UG is an exam of 3 hours 20 minutes duration which is like a brain marathon.


The exam will be of 720 marks, for each correct answer in NTA NEET 2022 awards 4 marks and one mark is deducted for each wrong attempt, if however the candidate does not attempt the question, there is no negative marking.


Now talking of the unique strategy let’s look at how a student should approach and what a student should expect out of this period.



Micro and Macro Goal-oriented study plan


Goals are necessary to keep oneself focused and motivated throughout the long journeys.


To complete the syllabus of NTA NEET 2022 and excel in them you need to define and devise your strategy for monthly, weekly and daily targets.


Achieving daily targets will keep you motivated and persistent through this phase of the CBSE Term 2 examinations.


This will also make sure that you have time for CBSE board preparation and that your efforts are sustained over a longer period rather than getting exhausted at the beginning of your long haul.


This will require you to be sincere and disciplined on every step of your journey to realising your dream.


Only those burning with their passion could take such a path and come out with flying colours in NTA NEET 2022.


This is the country’s biggest entrance exam competition is narrowed down to the decimal point of marks.


Adequate time should be allotted to each section regardless of your fondness for a particular subject. Physics is the subject that gives nightmares to most of the students preparing for the NTA NEET UG.


Do not avoid it, rather face it daily. It is necessary to understand that if you conquer the basic concepts of a subject like Physics and break it down into smaller chunks it can surely be triumphed upon.


NTA NEET has had a standard difficulty level for many years that is why it is considered the most competitive exam. 


Taking out time to attempt the previous year's questions will give you an idea of what you can expect in the exam and should be an important pointer in your micro-planning.


While mock tests are designed to give a taste of a slightly higher level, use these to hone your time management skills during the NTA NEET 2022 exam in an exam-like simulated environment.


Just attempting mock tests is not enough. You should revisit your responses and see where you went wrong and clarify those concepts, either by consulting reference books, or your teachers. This will help you minimise the recurring mistakes again.


Time management is extremely important during these three months of the NTA NEET 2022  exam.


Going all out for preparation will drain you soon enough. Plan macro here and pick up a hobby that de-stresses you and stick to it through these days.


This will also help you steer away from time-consuming forms of entertainment like Movies, Social Media, TV shows, etc.


And remember to avoid the common mistake cum tactic which students think works, mugging up. If you don’t understand a concept and mug it up. It is of no use literally.


When a question asks you to apply that concept you won’t be able to. Always focus on learning a concept by understanding it. Go to any lengths to understand the concept not to remember its existence.



Choose your place of worship


Preparation for NTA NEET 2022 is like worshipping your books for long hours without any distraction.


You will have to refer to various books therefore having a comfortable space where you have enough space to spread your textbooks and create maps of your notes is ideal.


Choose a comfortable space that is far away from all the constant distractions of family. You should get your table well-lit and a comfortable chair that helps your posture.


As you will be spending long hours in this place, a poorly lit room and an uncomfortable chair will drain your health and eyesight.


Create an environment that works the best for you to get motivated for NTA NEET 2022 and not feel sleepy within an hour of your sitting. The NTA NEET exam is mostly based on the NCERT syllabus and NCERT Books.


Stay fully conscious of the paper pattern and weightage of marks to various chapters.


Mark this information in your textbook to make sure you are treading in the right direction and have covered all concepts.


Your notes and course books are from here on your god.



Health is wealth


This is a quote that you must have read a lot on the boards or in your school. Ever wondered why this three word quote is so readily usable. Let’s say it’s the exam day or the week leading up to it.


You do not want to waste years of your effort by falling ill at such a time. But then how can you ensure such a thing? Well, here you can stick with this quote that precaution is better than prevention.


Ensure that you stick to home-cooked healthy food, and sleep on time to give your brain and body time to relax, recover and reset.


After sufficient hours of night’s sleep, you will always feel refreshed and will perform better no matter if it’s the NTA NEET 2022 exam day or Sunday.


To bring your A-game to the NTA NEET 2022 exam centre you must make sure that you have followed the entire tactics above. And on the exam day make sure to make a checklist according to the rules and requirements for the documents and items that you need to carry along with you.


Plan your route and journey time a day before so that there are no surprises on the day of the examination. You for sure don’t want to be late on the day you have been waiting and visualising since the inception of the dream.


NTA NEET also has a strict dress code so remember to dress according to the rules of the occasion. Decide on how you will solve the question paper and how much time you will devote to each section.


Calm down and come to the present. These things are too far away to be concerned right now. Focus on your efforts today for NTA NEET 2022 and the results of tomorrow will take care of itself. 


All the best.


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