Lakhs of students prepare for UPPSC every year and take the exam. It's one of the coveted exams of the country where the youth of the largest state try their best to get into government services.
Suppose you have made up your mind to take the UPPSC Exam. You need to be super serious and sincere in your preparation from Day 1. Before you start studying for the exam, you need to understand the exam pattern and eligibility and become acquainted with the syllabus. Learn the syllabus. Once you know the syllabus at fingertips, you will read and study the topics accordingly and will be able to identify the topics.
UPPSC is a state-level exam that recruits candidates into various state service offices.
Preparing for UPPSC requires a systematic approach and a strong mind. One needs great mental agility to prepare for the exam because the competition is tough, the syllabus is vast, and there is always a run against time.
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Here are some tips on how one should prepare from scratch
1. Understand Exam Pattern - Understand the exam pattern, its eligibility criteria, the number of subjects and the type of questions asked. The prelims has 2 papers, General Studies and CSAT. GS will have 150 questions, whereas CSAT will have 100 questions. Once you qualify for Prelims, you can appear for Mains, which will have 8 papers, including a Hindi Paper. The optional paper has been removed from the exam.
2. Learn the Syllabus - Learn the entire syllabus so that you are aware of the topics. When you read newspapers and magazines and do an in-depth analysis of current affairs, you know which topics are important for the exam.
3. Strengthen Your Basics - Strengthen your basics and build a strong foundation with NCERTs. Read all the NCERTs from Class 6-12 and make notes of the concepts. A lot of times, questions are picked straight from the NCERT's in prelims
4. Build On the Base - Once you have completed the NCERTs, you may start to build the base with advanced-level books. There will be multiple books out there in the market for each topic/subject. You need to choose books which are appropriate according to your learning preferences. You can use Oswaal BooksReading from too many books can confuse you while studying, so read one book multiple times.
5. Current Affairs- You have to be thorough and informed about current affairs. Follow authentic new channels to keep yourself updated with the latest state level, National, International affairs, Cultural and Government Policies. Listen to news from All India Radio at night 9-10PM Bulletin.
6. Practice & Test - Once you have significantly covered the syllabus, start practising from Oswaal Books Previous Year Papers and Mock Test so that you can test and become aware of where you stand and where you need to improve.
You don't need to be a topper to crack this exam but sheer hard work with dedication can take you on the other side. So believe in yourself and remember why you started preparing for this exam. What's your reason?
We wish you Immense Success!