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How Many Hours You Should Practice with Sample Papers to Score Perfect Marks in Board Exams?

How Many Hours You Should Practice with Sample Papers to Score Perfect Marks in Board Exams?

  • December 06, 2022
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books

CBSE Sample Papers Class 10

CBSE Sample Papers Class 10 are always considered to be valuable by experts to score maximum in CBSE Class 10 Board Exams.

Trying to be absolutely exam ready with CBSE Sample Papers Class 10 to score maximum marks but don’t know how?


Do you know the technique to score more?

When you prepare for Class 10 Board Exams, an importance should be given to practice e. Practice is the only way to ace your preparation for scoring well in the exam. Once you learn a concept, you tend to forget it after a certain amount of time. This problem could be overcome by revising and practicing the concepts well.

The best way to practice is to solve the sample question papers of the CBSE exam you will appear for. However, if you doubt the idea of solving the CBSE Sample Papers Class 10, here are the top 5 advantages of doing so.


Recommended link for practice: CBSE SAMPLE PAPERS CLASS 10

Trending: CBSE Class 10 Question Bank For 2022-23


1. Understanding the Paper Pattern

The pattern of any exam keeps on changing from time to time. An unfamiliar pattern of questions can create panic situations that are not good for your performance in the exam. 

Having a clear idea of the question pattern is always good, as uncertainty about the question pattern will lower your confidence.

Solving the sample question papers will keep you updated regarding the pattern of questions. This will help you be prepared to answer any questions that could be asked in the exam.

Uncertainty about the question patterns is a strict NO if you want to score well.

Knowing the pattern of the CBSE Sample Papers Class 10 gives you an idea of the chapter-wise weightage of the marks as well. When you know the chapter-wise weightage, you can allot time for preparing and revising the chapters accordingly. It helps you to prioritize the chapters for your further study plan.

Knowing the paper pattern can also help you plan your strategy on how you answer the questions.


2. Improve Time Management

You will often come across students who are good at their studies and know the answers to almost all the questions asked in the exam. However, they fail to complete their exam within the stipulated time slot. This is nothing but a lack of time management. Time management is a crucial aspect when you appear for any exam.

When you solve a good number of sample question papers by allowing yourself a certain time limit, you will find that your speed to answer the questions has increased. 

Not only the theoretical subjects but solving the sample question papers will increase your speed of solving mathematical problems, which is a must to score good marks in mathematical subjects.


3. Boost Your Confidence

What is better than seeing a familiar question in your exam? Seeing another familiar question! It has been observed that in almost all the exams, a few important questions are repeated for consecutive or alternate years. Thus, when you solve sample question papers from the previous couple of years, you have a fair chance to come across familiar questions in your exam.

Answering the questions, you have already written as practice will increase your self-confidence.

Solving CBSE Sample Papers Class 10 with a set time limit gives you the ability to answer the questions faster. 

Thus, your self-confidence increases when you have attempted many sample question papers.


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