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How to Prepare for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) in Class 4?

How to Prepare for the National Science Olympiad (NSO) in Class 4?

  • March 08, 2025
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books

Imagine a stage that celebrates your child’s passion for science, where every question challenges their curiosity and rewards their knowledge. The National Science Olympiad (NSO) is exactly that platform. Your child can showcase their skills among thousands of students around the nation.

But it’s not just about studying harder; it’s about studying smarter. With the right approach, preparation can be fun and rewarding. Here’s how you can guide them.

Get the Roadmap

Before diving into preparation, check the NSO syllabus for Class 4. The questions are based on the school syllabus but require a deeper understanding. Knowing what topics to focus on will save time and effort. Break down the syllabus into smaller sections and set weekly goals to help your child stay on track.

Choose Resources Wisely

To ace the exam, your child needs a good Olympiad book that covers the syllabus in depth. Look for the books that offer clear explanations, MCQs, and previous years’ papers. A well-structured book should include science and logical reasoning practice questions, which is a crucial part of the exam. Additionally, interactive learning apps and online quizzes can be great supplementary resources to reinforce key concepts.

Read More: Which Subject is Good for Olympiad?

Focus on the Foundation

Understanding concepts is more important than rote learning. Use school textbooks to strengthen the basics before moving to advanced questions in Olympiad books for Class 4. This ensures a clear foundation, making it easier to tackle tricky problems. Hands-on learning through simple experiments at home can also enhance comprehension and make learning more enjoyable.

Encourage Consistent Practice

Solving sample papers and mock tests is the key to success. Go for books that include topic-wise exercises and previous years’ question papers. Practicing these will help your child improve accuracy and time management. Simulating exam conditions at home can also boost their confidence and reduce exam-day stress.

Foster Curiosity and Confidence

Science is all about curiosity. Encourage your child to watch educational videos, conduct simple experiments at home, and ask questions. Engaging in discussions about what they’ve learned reinforces their understanding. A confident and stress-free mindset helps them recall concepts better and perform well in the exam. Teaching them relaxation techniques like deep breathing or short breaks between study sessions can prevent burnout and keep them motivated.


Preparing for the NSO is a journey of learning and discovery. With the right Science Olympiad book for Class 4, consistent practice, and curiosity, your child can excel in the exam. Keep motivating them, provide positive reinforcement, and make learning enjoyable. Your support and encouragement will play a crucial role in their success, so keep cheering them on every step of the way!

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