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How Many Years of PYQ is Sufficient for UPSC?

How Many Years of PYQ is Sufficient for UPSC?

  • November 22, 2024
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books

It is indeed a task for the UPSC aspirants to complete the entire syllabus, and many such candidates are left wondering how many years of UPSC prelims previous year question papers (PYQ) are sufficient. It is imperative to go through the question papers of the UPSC prelims previous year question papers in ascertaining the trend of the paper, question types, and the different tabulations of the various heads of questions. But determining the appropriate number of past years of question papers you need to revise is important, as it has its own merits in defining your preparation strategy.

Why Do You Need UPSC prelims previous year question papers?

For any aspirant attempting the UPSC Prelims, previous years' question papers hold great significance for the exam. They are a window into how the exam will be conducted, what type of questions will be asked, and what themes are likely to be the focus for UPSC every year. This is the reason why, attempting these UPSC Prelims previous year question papers, contestants are able to recognize trends of the exam and determine which areas require additional focus. This technique enhances one’s ability to come up with solutions as well as one’s sense of security because it allows one to have a better idea of what the examination will be like.

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How Many Years of Previous Year Questions Should You Answer?

There are no fixed parameters on this, but going through the last 10 years of UPSC Prelims question papers is advisable, believe the experts as well as past qualifiers. A decade worth of papers helps you in understanding the trends, any changes in questioning patterns, and getting an understanding of how some parts of the syllabus may be utilized. Some toppers also recommend going through the past 15 years, especially in history, polity and environment, since questions on these subjects could have similar themes or approaches due to the pan-structure of the syllabi.

The relevance of UPSC NCERT Books and UPSC books

Though the search for previous year questions is important, understanding of the topics up to the core level in the form of books is required, which includes UPSC NCERT books and other UPSC books for complete preparation of concepts. History, Geography, Economics, and Polity are subjects where NCERTs are especially useful. They help one understand and develop the skills that are important for answering any of the questions in the UPSC Prelims previous year question papers.

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For UPSC Online Previous Year Question Papers for the 2025 Exam 

Regular UPSC book ensure the step paradigm, as the topics are in depth and in detail, and the analytical angle, which is often the essence of UPSC. NCERTS are relatively easy and help the candidates in acquiring the basics. Posting this advanced book for uspc enhances the candidates analytical skills required for advanced level questions.

In summary, revising the past decade of UPSC Prelims papers seems to be consistent in terms of concentration and quantity. When paired with in-depth UPSC Books as well as higher-level UPSC proportionate, this theory prepares the candidates such that they face UPSC with confidence and determination.

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