Those days are gone when students were only interested in learning from the study material and books.
If you are a teacher, then you can probably relate to it.
With these techno-savvy evolving surroundings, students also need something interesting and innovative in classrooms.
Have you tried some innovative teaching techniques in the classroom and observed the results?
In which aspect do students get more engrossed?
Do they find interest in your lectures or get bored?
What are the alternatives that can keep them engaged?
Hold on!!
All your worries will be properly addressed in this blog.
Introducing game-based learning in the classroom is one of the most innovative techniques that can keep the students engaged.
Just stick to this blog till the end and you will find some of the most interesting ways to implement this learning in your classroom. So, let’s get started!!
What is game-based learning?
Moving with the very first step, it is very important to understand what is game-based learning?
It is the approach to use various gaming principles in such a way that you can easily apply them to real-world scenarios and make learning fun and dynamic for the students.
Even if you are unable to make a clear picture in your mind about the same, then also need not worry. Going down gradually, you will easily see the ways to implement this technique in your classroom.
Advantages of using game-based learning
If we are saying that game-based learning will improve the learning for students then, how will you believe it?
For the time being, if you are not convinced with this technique, then I strongly advise you to look at some of the advantages that will keep you spell-bound.
1. Improves retention rate
When you try to help the students memorize some concepts like history chapters with the help of games like role-playing. Then, there is a high probability of an improved retention rate among the students.
2. Develop problem-solving skills
With game-based learning, you encourage students to develop problem-solving skills.
For example, you want to teach some geometry topic in the classroom then try to engage students with some practical work and real-life alternatives.
3. Offer instant feedback
When you engage students with game-based learning then you need not wait for some test or quiz to check whether students have grasped the concept properly or not.
You instantly come to know with the medium of games how much did they understand.
Method to choose the right types of game in the classroom
Now, you know how this game-based learning can be beneficial for the students. It's time to find out how you can choose the ideal games that can be used in the classrooms.
1. Determine the purpose
It is very important the understand what's the driving force behind finding game-based learning for students.
Whether you want to help them learn some tough topic or enrich some who already know the topic, or teach them how to collectively work with others.
When you are clear with this aspect then only you can choose the right type of game for the students.
2. Try it yourself
Once you find some game to be used in the classroom then play it yourself.
While playing the game, try to find out the answer to some of the questions like "Whether it is satisfying the learning objective?" "How much I can control it as a teacher?" "Are all the concepts of a particular topic are being covered?" "Whether it is engaging?"
If you get an affirmative answer to all these questions then you are good to use that approach in the classroom.
3. Parents should be informed
There is a big misconception that game-based learning means playing games in the classroom. And, most parents are not even okay with this approach.
So, it is very important that once you select game-based learning to be implemented in the classroom you should seek approval from the parents of the students.
Moreover, you can even help them understand how the learning scenarios are rapidly changing and how important it is to innovate with the ever-evolving competition.
Examples of game-based learning for classroom
You are getting more and more interested in every section about game-based learning in the classroom. But, you must be wondering how I can implement this learning in my classroom?
Let’s have a look at some of the game-based learnings that you can surely use in your classroom.
1. Charades
This is one of the most interesting games in which you should ask one student to come in front of the class. Give him some keywords from the chapter like habitat and ask that student to enact that word without uttering anything.
And the one student who will get the answer correct will get the next turn to enact. This will keep everyone involved and curious for the entire session.
2. Puzzles
Puzzles are a great way to help students work collectively. Divide the students into different groups and give them some card pieces and a problem statement.
After solving the puzzle, they will come to know the correct answer for which they were solving the puzzle.
You can use this technique for problems like chemical equations, subject vocabulary, historical figures, etc.
3. Pictionary
This is one of the most engaging and fun games to keep the students motivated and interested. For this, divide the class into small groups.
From each group, ask one student to come in front of the board and give him/her some concepts from the topic to draw on the board. Give them a stipulated time of 30 seconds.
If the group will be able to get the answer correct then marks will be awarded to them otherwise they won’t be rewarded.
4. Tic-tac-toe
Tic-tac-toe is one of the most common games that you can use in the classroom to offer a great learning experience to the students.
You can use any math equation or word problem to be solved with the help of this method. Divide the sheet of paper into three vertical and horizontal squares and ask the student to solve that problem with the help of the game.
Game-based learning vs Gamification
Most people confuse game-based learning with gamification. But, both of them are not the same and you need to understand the difference between them.
1. Gamification has proper rules to follow whereas game-based learning is just a series of tasks designed to offer a better learning experience.
2. Gamification is about winning or losing but game-based learning is all about motivating the students.
3. Grabbing a real game and playing it might be expensive whereas using game-based learning techniques is cheaper
You must have got a clear vision of what game-based learning has in store for you and your students.
Once you start using it in your classroom routine, there is no going back. Because it will not only interest the students but will also make you happy that students are understanding in a better fashion.
So, try out this technique in your classroom sessions, and do write us in the comment section what you feel about it.
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All the best!
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