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How to Clear CTET Exam in 2 Months?

How to Clear CTET Exam in 2 Months?

  • June 14, 2024
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books

Cracking a CTET test requires hard work, as well as a strategic plan, especially if you have only two months to prepare. However, don't worry, aspiring teachers! If you approach it well, this hurdle can be passed through. In all the subject areas, the efficient use of resources like CTET Preparation Books and CTET Previous Year Question Papers are described in this guide, which dissects your CTET preparation into an easy week-by-week schedule.

Week 1: Foundation & Planning

Know about the CTET: Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, syllabus (focus on Child Development & Pedagogy), and marking scheme. It paves the way for your journey.

Design Your Own Schedule: Allocate 6-8 hours daily for studying. Divide time between Child Development & Pedagogy, Language 1 & 2, Mathematics/Science (depending on which CTET paper you take) and Social Sciences/Environmental Studies.

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CTET Books | For 2024 Exams

CTET Previous Year Question Papers | For 2024 Exams

Collect Resources: Buy some good CTET Preparation Books that cover latest syllabus. Explore online resources and previous year question papers to know about the format of examination.

Weeks 2-4: Deep Dive into Subjects

Week 2: Concentrate on Child Development & Pedagogy. This core section forms the basis of effective teaching. Learn about learning theories, child psychology, classroom management techniques amongst others. Understand them well utilizing CTET Preparation books as well as online resources available.

Week 3: Get Into Language 1 & 2 Again, refresh your grammar rules, vocabulary settings and comprehension abilities; write summaries and essays; go over questions asked in previous years' exams to get integral themes.

Week 4: For Paper I (Classes I-V), study Mathematics. Remind yourself of elementary mathematical concepts like arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication), algebraic equations simplification, geometry figures representation measurement units by solving problems from old question papers, too.


For Paper II (Classes VI-VIII), focus on Science. Revisit basic scientific concepts in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Make use of CTET Preparation Books as well as online resources to enhance your understanding.

Weeks 5-6: Sharpening Your Skills

Week 5: Focus on Social Sciences for Paper I. Brush up on topics like History, Civics and Geography. Explain these concepts in a simple manner that is understood by young children. For Paper II, study Environmental Studies. Understand the importance of environmental conservation and incorporate them into your mode of teaching. Both sections should refer to CTET Preparation books as well as question papers from previous years.

Week 6: This week will be devoted to intense practice after you have completed the syllabus. Solve numerous questions from old question papers but concentrate more on difficult ones for yourself personally because they might be similar to future exams.

Weeks 7-8: Exam Readiness & Revision

Week 7: Start taking mock tests now. Set time limits to simulate the exam environment; take them under pressure conditions until you are prepared enough for it. Mock test results enable students to identify weak areas for revisiting with the help of CTET Preparation books or websites.

Week 8: Revise during this whole week only. Concentrate on main points that include formulae, definitions etc. Revised notes must have all key details so make flashcards or mind maps for easy recall.

Bonus Tips:

Be Motivated – Set achievable goals and reward yourself each time you achieve them

Healthy Routine – Have enough sleep, eat healthy food and do exercises regularly so that one can remain fresh-minded throughout.

Positive Outlook – Believe in yourself and face the test with confidence!

Remember, getting low scores is possible if you are not focused on studying the two books, and being self-disciplined. You can also make it with this strategy by making use of resources such as CTET Preparation Books and previous year's question papers among others to score highly in the exam so that your dream of becoming a certified teacher is fulfilled.

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