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  • May 08, 2022
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books




The Computerized Achievement Test (CAT) is a computer-based objective exam that has three sections: Verbal Ability, Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Ability.


The portions are nearly similar in weightage. As long as I can remember, the CAT exam was a three-hour test, from 2010 to 2019. THE CAT exam has been shortened to a two-hour exam as a result of the pandemic.


Multiple-Choice Questions make up around 75% of the questions, while TITAs make up the remaining 25%. (Type in the Answer). Only incorrect answers on MCQs result in a deduction of points; incorrect responses on TITAs do not.


It's important to note that the CAT exam syllabus generally covers math from grades VI-X. When we look at the data, we see some interesting trends that haven't appeared in the framework over the last 15 years.



In the CAT exam, what does "percentile" mean?


As in any other field, percentages in the CAT exam are the same. These are only a rough estimate of the number of persons that are trailing behind you on that particular test.


In a 50-person exam, 47 people scored worse than you, so you're in the 3rd place. Percentile would be 47/50 x 100 = 94 Percentile for you.


Let's say you got the highest score out of 2,000 persons who took the exam, but only 999 people got the same or a lower grade than you did. The 1999/2000 percentile multiplied by 100 equals 99.95.


In the CAT exam, you may wonder why so many people score 100%. If you've ever seen those ads in print, you're not alone. Because of the rounding off, it's a problem.


Let's say you scored a 6th-place finish in the 200,000-person CAT exam. 199,994 individuals scored lower than you. Since you're the 99.97 percentile, your percentile value would be 199994/200000.



The CAT exam is taken by a large number of students


Students that take the CAT exam each year number in the tens of thousands. Interesting fact: the number of students who complete the form of CAT exam is significantly higher than the number of students who don't.


A study at previous three years' exam data reveals that about 30,000 people fill out the form each year, but then choose not to take the test. I believe you are not one of the 30,000 students who are enrolled in the CAT exam.


If you're going to fill out the form, at the very least, you should take the test. You'd know exactly where you stood with this.



A quick review of the most important aspects of the CAT exam:



1. CAT exam is a computer-based exam that lasts for three and a half hours (180-minutes). For this event, there will be no face-to-face meeting.


2. This year's CAT exam in the year 2022 was broken into three two-hour blocks. In CAT exam for the year 2021, these patterns are likely to persist.


3. Morning and afternoon sessions of the exam are held on the same day. Exam papers of CAT exam are different in these sessions but the marks are adjusted to account for this.


4. The CAT exam is divided into three sections: verbal ability and comprehension, data interpretation and logical reasoning, and quantitative ability (QA).


5. A recent CAT exam put VARC top, DILR second, and QA third in the sectional hierarchy. It's impossible to get from one part to the next. There are no pauses between sections of the text.



What's the point of CAT exam, and why is it necessary?


To shorten its name, the Common Admission Test is known as the CAT. An MBA/PGDM entrance test for 20 IIMs and more than 1,000 other business institutions accept the CAT score.


Nearly 2 million students apply each year for one of more than 5,500 MBA/PGDM spots accessible through the CAT exam. For the most prestigious IIMs, the CAT exam cut-off is above 95 percentiles, whereas it varies between 80 and 95 percentiles for other top colleges.



The CAT exam syllabus


As we can see from the CAT exam Pattern of the year 2022, there are some general guidelines for studying for the upcoming exam.


To prepare for the CAT exam, each applicant should review the topics expected to be included in the CAT exam Syllabus and devise a study plan according to their strengths and weaknesses.





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