Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) examination is a gateway to the prestigious career in Bihar’s administrative services. Are NCERTs enough for BPSC? Does Bihar, being one of the most difficult states to crack its exams, require them? The answer is No, NCERTs is not enough for BPSC. They are indeed very useful especially on general science and general Hindi but they wouldn’t be enough for the entire exam.
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BPSC Exam Structure and Syllabus
Knowing how the BPSC exam is organized is important. It consists of three stages: Preliminary, Mains, and Interview. The Prelims focuses on General Studies with particular attention to topics specific to Bihar State. The Mains go deeper into these subjects testing analytical and problem-solving skills.
NCERTs: Building a Strong Foundation
Undoubtedly, NCERT books are significant in building strong basics for core subjects like Science, History and Geography. Explained in simple words with clear-cut language that makes it easy to comprehend fundamental concepts. However, BPSC Previous Year Question Papers and BPSC Previous Year Question Books show that it does not stop at this point.
Why NCERTs Alone Are Not Enough for BPSC?
NCERTs alone cannot be relied upon for several reasons as far as BPSC is concerned:
Scope Limitations: This can be seen through the wider syllabus covered by BPSC Previous Year Question Papers than those suggested by NCERT which include history of Bihar, State Polity, Economy etc.
Current Affairs Gap: Current affairs form an essential part of BPSC exams, which are constantly changing. It is impossible for NCERT books to stay updated with this dynamic nature. Extensive reading from newspapers, online news platforms and credible current affairs magazines is important.
Optional Subject Expertise: The Mains examination has optional subjects from which candidates can choose one. NCERTs may suffice as far some optional subjects go but as for others you need some special reference books and study materials.
Analysis Depth: To understand subjects better, one has got to go deep down inside their soul. The foundation knowledge is provided by NCERT, while BPSC Books get down to brass tax, including complex issues analysis, which enables an applicant to make sound judgments.
Developing Answer Writing Skills: For success in this examination, you need not leave answering writing questions from previous years out of your preparation schedule because NCERT’s might not expose one adequately to different question formats or answer writing styles prescribed by the BPSC examination.
Crafting a Winning Strategy
Use NCERTs: Learn basics with NCERTs.
Look at BPSC Specifics: Get BPSC Books which major on Bihar-specific issues and current states of affairs.
Work on Previous Year Papers: Study several BPSC Previous Year Question Papers for examination trends and question styles.
Develop Answer Writing Skills: Practice writing brief, well-structured answers that meet the demands of the BPSC exam.
Remember, NCERTs are only a foundation stone, not a goal. By using multiple resources like BPSC Books, BPSC Previous Year Question Papers and focused practice, one can solidify their base while taking over BPSC exam.