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Which Book is Required for the CUET Exam?

Which Book is Required for the CUET Exam?

  • June 10, 2024
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books

The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) is an important examination for students to secure a seat in their dream university. Preparing for it includes the right strategy, the right books, extensive preparation, and dedication.

If you are an aspiring student wanting to prepare for CUET, you must be wondering where to start from, which books to study from, and how to prepare effectively. Worry not, you are not alone. In this blog, we will discuss the important resources that can enhance your chances of getting into your dream college.

Understand the CUET exam structure and prepare accordingly

Before preparing for the CUET, you need to know and understand the syllabus and exam structure of CUET. It will help you in preparing a study schedule and pinpoint topics you should cover. The exam typically comprises sections of General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and Domain-specific subjects. Each section demands extensive preparation and different kinds of books to prepare from.

Recommended Books:  

CUET Books for 2024 Exam Preparation

CUET Mock Test Sample Papers for 2024 Exam

CUET Question Banks For 2024 Exam

CUET Syllabus for the 2024 Exam

Prepare a personalized study schedule

After knowing the syllabus, it is now time to divide and study. Create a study plan that includes weekly and monthly targets to achieve. Also, include some revision time so you don’t forget what you studied previously. Make sure you are following your study timetable religiously and have enough time to relax and revise before a month of your exam.

Collect your Resources

You can’t study efficiently if you don’t have enough resources by your side. There are plenty of topper and expert-recommended books that you can get, but you should consider the best CUET Books for you that contain solved previous year papers, chapter-wise insights and explanations, extensive questions for practice, notes for revision, shortcuts to solve tricky and lengthy questions, and chapter analysis by experts.



Practice makes students fluent and perfect. After studying a topic, all you have to do is practice questions from it now. You can get the famous and highly recommended CUET Question Bank to sharpen your concepts and practice time management for the exam day.

Simulate Exam Day 

Exam day will be stressful. It is important to prepare and practice for it from the beginning. It is highly recommended that you simulate the exam day experience by solving CUET Sample Papers regularly within the time limit to learn and understand how your exam day will feel. Through this, you can also practice to solve questions under pressure with accuracy.

Practice Comprehensively with Oswaal360 Online Courses for CUET 2025 Exam

Practice Now with Free Oswaal360 Online Mock Test Papers for CUET 2025 Exam

In conclusion, choosing books to prepare for the CUET exam can be daunting and confusing. If you are going for separate books for every subject, it will also burn a hole in your pocket. So, you should choose a CUET Book that caters to all your needs and can help you pave the way to success.

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