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  • April 11, 2022
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books


Relaxation is a word often used by teaching pundits after a bad score in an exam or while advising them to make a timetable for themselves. And schools don't even try to utter this word let alone teach a thing about it.


Because it is thought by the elders that students will, at last, manage a load of learning and pressure on themselves as they have managed in their time decades ago.


Forgetting that in modern times the burden on students and the competitiveness has been touching the sky so much that even a decimal point can make or break potential careers.


So to fill the void for you we are here to help learn about relaxation and its benefits.


To swim one needs to know the water. So let's learn a little bit about our brains. Our brain has the ability to learn and grow as we age, this process is called brain plasticity, but for it to do so, we need to train it on a regular basis.


This training of our brain is called learning. As we learn, our brain matures, more and more fibres grow and the brain becomes increasingly interconnected.


These interconnected networks of neurons are very important to the formation of memories and the connection of new learning to previous learning. As new neural networks form, the child learns both academically and socially.


There is virtually no limit to the amount of information we can remember. Given how much we seem to forget on a daily basis or while remembering the formulas of mathematics, it may seem strange but our brains indeed have an essentially unlimited storage capacity for learning.


So to unlock this limitless capacity of learning a student needs to take care of their brain. Here comes the role of relaxing. Relaxing your brain is fundamental for learning better.


Not only does it help to boost a student’s level of concentration but also their ability to deal with pressure and ability to switch between subjects in an entrance exam.


Additionally, it aids in enhancing the conduct, behaviour, general health, as well as their well-being.


There are numerous worries which consume the mind of a student such as managing their academic writing assignments, school exams, school finances, practicals and entrance exams among others.


This leads them to live a stressful life with no check on nutrition, sleep and health in general.


This stress overload results in various physical symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, fatigue, body tension, and poor sleeping habits among others. It can interfere with your physical as well as mental being.


With high-stress levels, it will be difficult for you to concentrate, make decisions, control your thoughts, and sleep well. Making you prone to falling ill.


Relaxing regularly can help boost your immune system thereby enabling it to function more effectively.


According to research, students who expose themselves to regular relaxation are not only happy but also optimistic and better listeners.


Learning relaxation from a tender age can help a student to manage their stress and be in control.


Students who learn the various relaxation and concentration tips and techniques can apply them to all the areas of their academic careers as well as other life aspects.


Therefore, you need to learn about relaxation and reap its benefits. Let's look at what are the scopes of relaxing to understand what relaxing is.



Relaxing is Refreshing your Thoughts


Despite starting your days with a fresh body and mind, it is important to refresh throughout the day. Taking time to refresh will cement ideas in your brain, and this leads to a productive learning process.


Exercise, meditation, visualization, concentrating on your breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and yoga are the best techniques to start with.


While yoga trains your mind to be calmer and relaxes tense muscles, practising meditation provides you with a healthy balance between your emotions and studies.


Exercise, on the other hand, strengthens the mind. You can practice these techniques in the comfort of your home to break from your assignments.



Relaxing is Taking breaks to rejuvenate


Learning too much information at once can overwhelm a student’s mind and lead to forgetfulness.


Without a break, the ability of the memory to retain data is low, and the learning process can only serve temporary goals such as passing exams.


Taking regular breaks helps you to re-energize and refocus, it helps in increasing the retaining power of your mind.


Instead of struggling to balance your studies or assignments and social life, and getting tired with the passing minute, take some time off. Go for a walk, take a bath, listen to some music or take a power nap.


A change in scenery always helps reduce stress hence enabling you to relax. Nature relaxes the memory due to the fresh air, beautiful flowers, and many others.


Taking breaks over a long or short period is required to achieve a relaxed body.



Relaxation is Sleeping


Getting enough sleep is valuable for relaxation. It helps you to relax your nerves and muscles and not think about the stressful situations that you had to deal with during the day.


Quality and good sleep influence memory and learning. If you have bad sleeping habits, then the capability to retain information is shallow, affecting the learning process.


Therefore, Sleep is essential before and after learning. Sleep before learning to nourish your brain for the new upcoming ideas and after to digest and internalize what you have learnt.


While taking naps during the learning process will enable the brain space to retain and process the knowledge received. Students who have poor sleeping habits are often irritable and cannot focus on their studies.


They might show signs of anxiety and ineffective learning. To overcome a sleep disorder, you should work for a maximum of eight hours a day and get a minimum of the same rest and sleep.


The billionaires of this world wake at 4 and sleep at 10 for the same reason. To give themselves the best opportunity to realize their potential. 


The health of your mind should always be a priority because the functioning of your body entirely depends on it. A healthy and learning mind depends on quality sleep, refreshed thoughts, and taking breaks as discussed above.


While sleeping less negatively affects mental well-being; this combined with the stress may bring about permanent mental illness, depression, and anxiety.


So you should give yourself a conscious chance and allow your mind to relax when there are signs of tiredness. You can practice putting off stressful thinking and just staring into space.


You can apply this in a calm environment where there is little to no disturbance. Exercise, eating healthy, and having enough sleep sound the basic things to control but can change the whole outlook of a person.


Relaxation is not a fancy word for yoga but a real thing to learn for you to function like the billionaire of your dreams.






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