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  • April 24, 2022
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books


Students in their adolescent years have had numerous instances of stress upon the crucial significance of Board examinations in one's life.


Both Class 10th and 12th Board examinations are perceived as career-makers for all students, acting as a bridge between practical education and general education.


Due to the immense pressure that looms over their heads in Board classes, students tend to work extra hard during Board examinations, endeavoring to give their best in order to secure a seat in the education field they want.


However, studying for the CBSE Class 10 Board exam is no child's play.


With Class 10th Board examinations coming closer and closer, students can be seen cramming textbooks, buying numerous help books, and spending hours on practice tests.


The general student chatter has also shifted from daily life happenings to which portions hold the most weightage, which are critically important, and which can be overlooked.


Students are increasingly looking for last-minute tips and strategies to mold their preparation into a scheme that would bring ultimate success.


With stress amounting to unprecedented heights as exams come closer, students can take help from the following seven last-minute tips to take their load off and study better.



1. Pay Equal Attention To All Subjects


It is common for students to focus on science subjects more than arts in the last days before examinations.


That is one of the most consequential mistakes one can make, as arts subjects hold the tendency to break or make a student's result.


Although it is true that the primary academic subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology require more effort and time, that does not mean a student can overlook the other subjects, such as English.


Students who do so tend to score lower in the Arts subjects, which ultimately brings down their entire result score, no matter how well they score in the Science subjects.


Thus, it is crucial to ensure adequate preparation for both the Science and Arts subjects and consider them at par with each other instead of segregating the two.


Students should plan their preparation schedule meticulously with equal time dedicated to all subjects to attain a sturdy hand on the entire course.


This can be conveniently done by devising a timetable containing a practical division of all the courses and subjects, mentioning the time required to cover each topic in depth.



2. Devise A Schedule Keeping Your Syllabus In View


Knowing your syllabus before delving into the preparation is crucial, as not the entire syllabus is meant to be covered in the Term examination.


With still a number of days in hand, students can search the syllabus and individual topic weightage to develop a schedular that coincides with it.


However, different students can devote different amounts of time to a particular course, depending upon their retention capacity and learning ability.


Since each student is aware of his/her own capacity, it is imperative to keep all these factors in view before coming up with a realistic plan that targets their weaknesses.


One primary reason for the inability to prepare adequately or follow a study schedule is the impractical schedule, which makes following it very difficult.


Therefore, developing a realistic plan is essential as checking off your to-do list boosts your morale and better prepares you for the exam to come.


Once such a plan is complete, make sure you adhere to it and do not look for loopholes to evade it.



3. Be Knowledgeable Of The Examination Pattern And The Kind Of Practice Each Expected Question Requires


 Different kinds of exams require different modes of preparation and practice.


Just as the Term 1 examination includes objective-type questions with a number of Multiple Choice Questions, an appropriate study method and guide are required for this exam.


There are a number of course help books available for the different kinds of exams, and choosing the right ones helps a great deal in preparation.


Such books usually cover a brief synopsis of the chapter, followed by a wide array of objective-type questions, including assertion and reasons, source-based questions, MCQs, passage-based questions, and case studies.



4. Make Practice Your Motto


Students have a common consensus over the fact that objective examinations are harder than subjective ones and thus require more extensive efforts as well.


The only key to mastering such examinations is practice, and there is no shortcut that helps in this regard.


Various helpful course books and mock tests are readily available in the market, and students are advised to get a hold of them and practice questions pertinent to every question they prepare.


Attempting mock exams over and over again is the only way they can learn the essential points at their fingertips and take the exam with an aura of confidence.


Practice tests help considerably in augmenting one's morale, as they familiarize students with the exam stress and pattern they inevitably have to sit in.



5. Make Sure You Do Not Overlook Analytic Knowledge While Opting For Theoretical Knowledge


It is common for students to opt for rote learning, where they can reproduce their course by heart but do not thoroughly understand it.


Such students can attempt the theoretical questions quickly but find themselves in a pickle when it comes to analytical questions.


Case-study-based questions were made a significant part of examinations in 2020 as a means to inculcate a practical approach to testing students.


This approach targets the intellectual and analytical abilities of students through questions that make them scratch their heads think instead of simply jotting down all that they learned.


There is an increasing consensus amongst the masses that direct fact-based questions are insufficient for testing a student's capability as they only work in favor of students that can memorize well.


Studying is an endeavor that involves learning, not memorizing, and thus it is crucial for students to awaken their analytical capabilities and think out of the box when learning a topic.


Case study questions will undoubtedly be a vital part of the examination pattern in the coming days, and students can get an idea about their nature through a number of easily-available course books in the market.



6. Never Underestimate The Power Of Revision


Some experts believe that revision is more insightful than learning itself, as it allows students to freshen up the concepts already in their minds, thereby strengthening them.


Revision holds paramount importance for students looking to give the CBSE Class 10th examinations this year because one or two-time learning is insufficient to retain and reproduce the extensive syllabus.


Revision does not entail word-by-word learning: it simply means skimming over the critical aspects of each course, subject, and topic to ensure that you are aware of them and do not end up forgetting or mixing them up with other notions.


Although revision is best done from the notes you make when learning for the first time, there are other ways to do so as well.


Students who did not make any notes while studying do not need to panic now; they can take help from the revision books available in the market that cover the essence of all courses and subjects.



7. Keep Your Health First


We have all heard that health is wealth, and this statement is a lot more than just a statement.


Students cannot indulge in any kinds of intellectual or learning techniques without having the stamina and health for it, which inevitably comes from eating healthy.


It is common for students to skip their meals during exam season or take solace in junk food by stress-eating.


Both of these approaches are highly detrimental to their learning abilities and have an adverse impact on their health as well. Therefore, taking three meals a day with adequate nutritional value is imperative for learning students.


In addition to proper eating, sleeping well is also essential. Contrary to popular belief, students can learn more by sleeping about six hours a day than studying non-stop without considerable breaks.


The human mind cannot function like a machine: it requires adequate rest or ceases to function. Thus, students should keep their sleep schedule in view and not prioritize it on studying.


Exercising frequently can also help boost brain function by promoting blood circulation, thereby helping in retention.


Students who indulge in physical activities often are more likely to learn and retain better than those who sit at their chairs and desks all day, refusing to move.


The techniques mentioned above are likely to prove beneficial to students in these hectic days before the examination. 






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