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  • January 10, 2022
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books



The COVID-19 situation has affected the education system a lot.


We all know it has created blunders for students, and sometimes it happens that they are not even able to decide how they can prepare for an examination.


There has been an announcement by the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board that they are not following the multiple-choice question pattern and instead implementing the descriptive pattern.


A lot of information is going to be at your disposal by the end of this blog.


Let’s get started!



Karnataka PUC class 12 exam Exam Date!


Karnataka PUC class 12 exam will be conducted in May-June. It is also known as Karnataka Pre-University Examination. This exam is conducted by the Department of Pre-university Education, Karnataka, at the state level.


Students preparing for the Karnataka 1st & 2nd PUC Board exam can check the complete Karnataka PUC syllabus 2022 for the Board annual public exam preparation.



Karnataka PUC Board Examination syllabus – Overview


Exam name :

Karnataka PUC Examination

Conducting Body :

Karnataka State Board of PUC Education

Frequency of conduction :

Once in academic year.

Mode of Exam:


Exam Duration:

3 Hours.

Question paper marks:

100 Marks (Theory marks+ Internal Assessment)

Negative Marking:

No negative marking.

Official website to check:



Karnataka SSLC class 10th board examination in descriptive format!


Students were planning to use multiple choice question formats for examinations in 2022. But recently, in an update, the examination board has clarified the doubt and considered the descriptive form for the examination only.


For the final examination, the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board is ready and will probably conduct the examination from the month of March to April 2022.


In session 2020–21, the MCQ pattern was implemented by keeping the COVID-19 situation into consideration, but now the education board is not looking forward to following the same.



Karnataka SSLC class 10 board exam expected date:-


In a recent update, the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board came up with an update where they announced the expected date for the examination. In the update, they mentioned the exam schedule between "March 28 to April 11". The timing for the examination will be 10:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Students will be provided with an additional 15 minutes to start going through the examination and decide where they want to start.


The March 28 to April 11 schedule is divided as follows:

1. The first language exam will be on March 28.

2. The second language exam will be on March 30.

3. The economics or core subject exam will be held on April 1.

4. Mathematics or sociology exams on April 4

5. Social science on April 6

6. Third language exam on April 8.

7. Science, political science, and Karnataka/Hindustani music on April 11.


Students with specific subjects should only prepare for this schedule. Do understand that these are the expected dates and chances are that the examination board will announce some changes to them. If so, we will update you on it.



Why education board denies you the MCQ format?


The Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board denies the MCQ pattern because this is not a productive way of affecting the ability of a student. At this age, it is important for students to understand how they can handle the pressure in the examination hall and how they will be able to write the descriptive answers easily. If they get used to the MCQ pattern, it will be difficult for them to go to higher classes and write long questions as asked in the examination.



Download SSLC class 10 board examination syllabus: -


The examination pattern that follows will be descriptive, so students need to prepare for the same accordingly. There is some news that the Karnataka education board has reduced the syllabus by 30%. You can download the SSLC class 10 board examination syllabus from the official website and start preparing.


Make sure to keep all the important chapters into consideration so that there will be no concepts that get missed by your eyes. 



Tips to prepare well for an examination:


Basic tips that you can consider using to prepare for an examination are:

1. Go through the syllabus throughout.

2. Stick to one book instead of purchasing different books and getting confused.

3. Instead of cramming the content, try to understand it.

4. Focus on the writing part and try to make the answer short, simple, and understandable.





Q - Is it possible that the Karnataka secondary education examination board will withdraw the descriptive format pattern?


Ans - They haven't made any announcements about the format as of yet. But if there is any announcement considering the same, we will let you know.


Q - How will the examination pattern be decided in descriptive format?


Ans - The examination pattern will be decided by keeping all the chapters under consideration. Recently, the Karnataka examination board has reduced the syllabus by 30%, so students need to prepare for only 70% of the syllabus. But there are some specific chapters that can’t be avoided.



Q - From where can I download the syllabus to prepare for the SSLC examination?


Ans - If you are looking forward to downloading the Karnataka SSLC class 10 board examination syllabus, you can download it from the official website. On the official website, the link has been released by the education board.


So finally, here we have discussed that students need to prepare for descriptive mode and in case there is any update considering the objective pattern, we will update you on the same. For more such updates, stay tuned with us and prepare as per the guidelines issued by the Karnataka education board!



Q - What is the KSEEB Karnataka PUC Examination?


Ans - Karnataka PUC exam refers to the 1st PUC and 2nd PUC examination which is the 11th and 12th class examination of Karnataka board.



Q - From where can I check the Karnataka PUC syllabus for the Academic year 2022?


Ans - All the Students can check the syllabus on the official website of the Karnataka board.



Q - What is difficulty level of questions asked in the Karnataka PUC exam?


Ans - Exam will be Easy to moderate level questions are asked in this examination.



Q - What are the Passing marks for the Karnataka PUC Exam?


Ans - The students need to score a minimum of 35 percent in each subject to pass the exam.



Q - Is there any other website where I can find out the schedule for the exam?


Ans - The schedule is released on the official website only and no other portal will help you get it.



Q - Is there any way available to get the SSLC exam schedule offline?


Ans - No. offline mode is not available and only online mode is under consideration.



Q - Do I need to pay any fees to get the schedule for the examination?


Ans - No, there is no need for students to pay any fees to get the schedule for the examination. It is available on the official website and you can directly download it from the link.



Q - Do I require any credentials to download the schedule?


Ans - When you wish to download the SSLC exam schedule for 2022, no such conditions are required.

We have shared all the details and we hope right now you know how to get the schedule and when to start the preparation. We wish you all good luck and hope you all get the best scores in your exams!



Get the best books for Karnataka Board Exam 2022 directly from here



All the Best! 


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