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  • January 11, 2022
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books
  • 1comments


Who discovered gravity?




Yes, we all know the story of that apple and how it made all other apples proud, right?


Now, see this picture below.


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This piece of paper is by Isaac Newton.   


What is it?


Visual representation of valuable information.


And why?


To make the information easy to remember!


See, representing the information in visual format was popular in the ancient times as well.


Now who first came with the term – MIND MAP!


In 1974, BBC did a TV series, USE YOUR HEAD. In one such episode, famous educator Tony Buzan appeared with one diagram, similar to the above but with colors, on a screen.


He then asked the reader to go through it from left to right and from top to bottom but readers went in random fashion.


He then argued, why not work with the way our mind naturally works, rather than against it?


And that’s how, for the first time, the term MIND MAPS was coined.


Enough with when, who, how and what!


Let’s get straight to why.


Why to use Mind Maps instead of traditional learning methods?



5 science-backed benefits of using Mind-Maps


1. Better to remember information and concepts.


I hope you have seen the movie – Inception.


I want you to picture an apple!


What are you picturing?


APPLE! But… you are also picturing the color, the size and other things regarding it too. Right?


Now what happens is that after days, or weeks, when you’ll see an apple, you’ll surely remember this blog, the content of it, who published it, and much more.  


But why?


Coz that’s how our mind works!

Visual data is better to remember and recall than aural or written data on any day.


That’s why if you create a Mind Map for a particular topic or concept or chapter, or anything then that would remain for a long  time and a single glance would make you remember the entire concept.


Isn’t it great!


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2. Saves a LOT of time!


In the world of fastest-finger first, time is of the essence.


And Mind Maps will save a lot of your time.




See, studies show that an average mind cannot study productively for 3 hours straight.


If you do that, then there’s a good chance that some concepts might slip by, or you wouldn’t get a thorough understanding of it.


But as the competition is high and the syllabus is large you need to learn quick and in bulk.


That’s where Mind Maps can benefit you.


Suppose you study for 2 hours straight, and then you create a Mind Map of whatever you have learned so far.


Now, if you forget a part of that concept then you don’t have to go through it again for 2 hours, just a quick glance at the Mind Map would do.


See here’s your 2 hours to invest in better way.



Francesco Cirilo of Italy gave another great technique to save a lot of time known as Pomodoro Technique! Read to learn!



3. Helps even in exam hall!


Tell me what kind of movie would come out of the script below.


You are in the exam hall.

Tension is all around.

Everyone looks satisfied but not you!

Teacher is pacing the class up and down.

You’re sweating, because you learned something so hard and now it’s equally hard to recall.

To make things ugly, just 20 minutes are left and the concept is of 10 marks weightage.

All eyes are on you!

You become anxious.

You put all your focus to recall but unable to!

Suddenly…Bell Rings…Times up!


 Now tell me, what would be the genre of this movie?


Horror, Drama, Heart-breaking, or what?


Whatever it would be, I know you don't want to be the hero of it.


And for that, you should use the Mind Maps!


With Mind Maps you don’t need to recall the entire concept, just recall the mind map and you’re good to go.


Simple, Effective, and in a way, COOL too.


Now, with Mind Maps, this movie would become an inspirational one.


I’m sure now you wish to be in this one!



4. Breaks the monotony, and makes the learning Fun!


Yes, that’s also a big reason to use Mind Maps.


Nobody likes the regular monotonous studying ways.


Sitting for whole day and just going through the blocks of information is boring and dull too.


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So, Mind Maps breaks that monotony and brings fun and creativity to your learning routine.



5. Makes you creative as well!


If you think that you don’t need to be creative as you’re a student of science or technology, then you’re wrong.


Creativity isn’t about making another Monalisa or something, it’s a skill that every person needs.


And with Mind Maps your creativity will increase drastically.


You’ll find more effective ways to create Mind Maps.


Ways that may increase the productivity.


Ways that would make your learning retention power stronger.


Apart from all these, when you work with Mind Maps you become not only better but smarter…which is the whole objective, right?


To be prepared for the world outside!



Final Thoughts!


Mind Maps are great!


Even to write this blog, I first created a Mind Map of it that made writing this blog a whole easier, so…you can see the benefits.


With Mind Maps, save as much time as possible and get ahead of the competition.


With Mind Maps, be smarter, be effective, be creative!


All the Best!



If you need books to prepare with in-build Mind Maps for your exams, then you should definitely see this.


Also, write in the comment section what other benefits of Mind Maps are according to you!


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  • Jasvinder Kaur ( )

    This is good information about mind mapping. Please send me more information how to make understand students , science topics more easily .

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