Students face a lot of difficulty in learning things in the long run.
If you are a teacher then you must have encountered a scenario where you only consider the answer given by the students as either correct or incorrect.
Most of the students only cram things just to pass a particular class. Once they pass the class, the whole of the course curriculum vanishes from the mind.
Being a teacher, you must have seen this problem with your students. Isn’t it?
But, this is just the problem. What’s the solution for the same?
If you can’t reach out to the solution, then how can you help the students in the classroom?
In this sort of situation, cognitive theory comes into play. This approach of learning will help you teach the students to learn concepts in a way by using their life experiences and background knowledge.
Do you know how to use this theory in your classroom?
If your answer is a big NO, then this blog is the apt place for you. Just stay glued to this blog and keep on reading till the end to get all the answers to your queries.
What is the cognitive theory?
Before getting acquainted with how to use the cognitive theory in the classroom, you must have the basic essence of this technique.
This theory came into existence in 1936 and it has strong and deep roots that will help you connect with the students in a better fashion.
Cognitive theory is defined as an active learning approach in which you don't judge the learner by the ability to give right or wrong answers. But, you judge them based on how they approached a particular solution.
The underlying principle behind cognitive learning is metacognition. It deals with thinking about someone else’s thinking.
On similar grounds, the cognitive theory works and shows wonders for the students.
Various cognitive theory strategies
Cognitive theory is not linked to any rigid scenario or there is no hard and fast rule that you need to use the cognitive learning strategy in a particular way.
There are various cognitive theory strategies that you can use in the classroom based on your needs. Some of them are discussed below:
1. Learner-centered strategy
In this type of strategy, you ask the learners to use their previous knowledge or the existing information to deep dive into the concepts with the advent of time.
2. Learning through discovery strategy
If you try to give everything regarding a subject to the students then they can’t assimilate the things in the longer run. But, if they discover things on their own then it will help them in the longer run.
By discovering, students have the opportunity to review the previously learned materials and add more to their knowledge by gaining an idea about the new concepts.
3. Personalized learning strategy
Every student is different and so does their learning patterns. You can't expect that if one student can learn effectively with the 'x' method then other students will also learn effectively with that method.
There might be a 'y' method that will suit the other student.
With the help of a cognitive learning approach, you can create learning experiences that are personalized for the students. It will help them grasp the concepts in a better fashion.
How to implement the cognitive theory in the classroom?
Now comes the section that you have been eagerly waiting for. You have gained the basic idea about cognitive learning and now, its’ time to use this approach in real-time with your students in the classroom.
There is a six-step approach that you can use in the classroom to use the cognitive learning approach.
1. Use concrete visual aids
Using proper visual aids in the classroom will help the students learn in a better and proper way.
For example, if you teaching History in the classroom if you keep on teaching the students from the book then they won't be able to grasp much.
But, if you try to teach them the chapter with the help of a movie or some slideshow, they will grasp things in the long run.
2. Give short instructions
When you give long instructions to the students to complete some assignment or a task then it hampers their ability to discover and innovate.
Try to give minimal instructions possible so that students have room for improvement and can discover things.
3. Allow students to be themselves
In the classroom, most of the students feel that they are being pressurized to see things from someone else's perception.
You should give proper space to the students to be themselves and see things as they wish. This will allow them to grasp things as per their capabilities.
4. Understand the student’s words
As the students keep on developing their minds, they have different meanings for the same word or they have different words for the same meanings.
Don’t compare them with each other or judge them as correct or incorrect. Try to understand how the students have invented something or what their thought process is.
For example, if success for some students is to achieve full marks in a particular subject then it might not have the same meaning for the other student.
5. Allow hands-on practice
When the students get the hands-on practice for some skill set they develop more confidence in it.
This will shoo away their hesitation of performing something.
For example, if students face difficulty in reading comprehension passages then give them the proper practice of the passages. This will help them hold a grip over it.
Ultimately, it will help them in the long run.
6. Offer a wide range of experiences
Students learn better when they come across a wide range of experiences. These experiences need not be from the life of the students.
You can share your life experiences or learning experiences with the students. This will allow the students to learn from your life.
Moreover, it will help in building a great communication path between you and the students.
Benefits of cognitive learning
Cognitive learning is not just a concept but it has several benefits for your classroom and the students. Once you are aware of its benefits, you will surely want to give it a try.
1. It enhances the learning for the students making them grasp the concepts in the long run.
2. Students will develop a new sense of confidence once they get used to this type of learning approach.
3. Students will develop enhanced problem-solving skills with this learning approach that will make things easier for them in the long run.
Final Thoughts
By now, you must have got a clear idea about the cognitive theory and how it can be used in the classroom.
Once you start using it, there is no going back and you will see impeccable results in your classroom.
So, why not give it a shot and see the changes?
Do write us in the comment section about what you feel about it!!
Good Luck!