NRA CET exam will act as a preliminary exam for vacancies for various non-technical and non-gazetted Group B & C jobs under SSC, RRB, and IBPS.
NRA CET 2022 exam will be an online exam that will be conducted at the national level in the MCQ format.
As of now, the application form and the exam dates for the NRA CET 2022 exam are not released, but it is expected that they will be soon released.
Once the application form is out, candidates will soon face the dilemma of how to fill the application form. To help the candidates easily apply for the NRA CET 2022 exam, below mentioned steps will be very useful.
Before applying for the NRA CET exam, candidates must be well-versed with the eligibility criteria of the exam.
The exam will be conducted on three different levels i.e. class 10, class 12, and graduation. Candidates should check the upper age limit for each level before applying for the exam.
For the 10th level, the age of the candidate must lie between 18 to 23 years. On the other hand, for the 12th level, the age of candidates must fall in the range of 18 to 27 years.
In case of graduation level, the candidate must fall within the age limit of 18 to 35 years. Besides that, candidates must keep a proper tab that only the residents of India are allowed to take the exam.
Application process for NRA CET exam
Candidates should follow these steps to apply for the NRA CET exam. All these steps must be followed in chronological order for application.
Step 1: Registration
1. Go to the official website of the NRA.
2. On the Homepage there will be a link “CET APPLY ONLINE TAB”, and a login page will appear on the screen.
3. Click on “Click here for New Registration”
4. Candidates need to submit the basic details like Name, Date of birth, mobile number, Email ID, etc., and create the login id
5. Remember the password filled here for creating Log In.
6. Click on the “Submit” button.
7. Once registered successfully, the applicant’s login credentials will be sent via email to the registered email address.
Step 2: Fill out the application form
1 Login with the Login ID and Password sent via email
2. Enter the verification code shown on the screen
3. Fill in the details on the online application form
4. Enter other information such as examination center choice, parent details, gender, nationality, academic details, address, and contact information.
5. Save the details as you fill out the online application form by clicking the “SAVE” button.
Step 3: Uploading documents
1. Now, click on the link to ‘Upload the Photograph’
2. Browse to the location of the scanned photo and pick the Photograph, and press the Upload button.
3. Using the same steps upload the left thumbprint, and other supporting documents, and then press the Next button.
4. The scanned photograph in jpg/jpeg format and size should be between 20-50 KB.
5. The scanned signature in jpg/jpeg format and size should be between 10-20 KB.
Step 4: Fee payment
1. After filling out the form candidates are required to read the undertaking and accept the same.
2. Candidates can edit any information relating to Personal Details, Qualification Details, and/or Experience Details by logging in again using Email-ID, Birth Date, and Password, and once edited make sure to save the information again by pressing the “Save” button.
3. Clicking on the "Make Payment" tab will redirect the candidates to the bank's website.
4. The application fees Read More will vary according to the respective category.
5. Now candidates should enter the Net Banking Account or Debit Card information to continue with the transfer. Once the payment has been authenticated, the system will lead to the final application form.
6. Applicants should take out a printout of the complete application for approval. Make sure to carefully preserve its application number for the production of call letters and all other information for further processes.
These are the most highly recommended books for NRA CET to help you out :