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Which Book is Best for UPSC Preparation? 5 Tips to Select the Right Study Material

Which Book is Best for UPSC Preparation? 5 Tips to Select the Right Study Material

  • June 08, 2024
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books

The UPSC Civil Services Exam is another dream for many struggling youth who want to get into the field of civil services in India. As you'll quickly discover, with its five subjects and strenuous entrance examinations, preparation at this level can be daunting. Another aspect which is quite important in this concern is choosing the proper study material- UPSC books, UPSC Mock test sample papers, carrying out current affairs, and so on. But at what is now turning into an ocean of options levelled at us, how does one go about doing this and selecting that which suits you best?

Here are 5 tips to help you choose the right study material for your UPSC preparation:

Tip 1: Start with the Syllabus - Your North Star

Your success in UPSC is wholly dependent upon the syllabus. As you prepare for UPSC, it is advisable that you familiarize yourself with both the Prelims and Mains stages of studying so as to be well acquainted with what exactly should be covered in these papers and the required depth. After this is done, you can begin formulating a study plan, including the identification of weak areas.

Recommended Links: 

UPSC Books for 2024 Exam

UPSC Mock Test Sample Paper for 2024 Exam 

UPSC Previous Years Question Papers for 2024 Exam 

NCERT One for All for UPSC for 2024 Exam 

Tip 2: NCERT Books for UPSC - A Strong Foundation

For UPSC aspirants, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) textbooks are good starting points. These books have been written in plain language that facilitates understanding; they provide a strong foundation in core areas like History, Geography, Polity, Economics and Science. They help one to create a strong conceptual base especially if someone has no basic knowledge about these subjects but the books are not only for UPSC but an excellent way to build a sound footing.

Tip 3: Quality over Quantity - Focus on Reputed Sources

There are numerous UPSC books available on the market for preparing UPSC exams. While it's tempting to collect as many as possible, don't do it! Instead focus on quality because it's better than quantity. Try to find books from reputed publishers or authors who are known for being accurate and comprehensive in their writing. Use online resources which include reviews by those who passed with flying colours and experienced mentors' recommendations. It is better to have a few books that deal effectively with all essentials than stacking several ones that may overwhelm you.


Tip 4: UPSC Mock Test Sample Papers 

Once you have laid strong foundations through NCERT Books for IAS Prelims & Mains and other core sources, now is the time to work on your examination methodology. Practising sample papers will enable applicants to familiarize themselves with question types, exam patterns, and time management strategies adopted by aspirants while attempting to answer questions during the actual examination. UPSC Mock test papers are key resources for acclimatizing oneself to the format of questions asked, time management techniques employed within a specific period of time, etc. Practising UPSC Mock test papers will assist candidates in understanding their strengths and weaknesses, thus enhancing their answer-writing skills to manage their time effectively during the examination. There are several coaching institutes and online platforms that provide UPSC Mock test papers so choose one that suits your learning style.

Tip 5: Stay Updated with Current Affairs

The UPSC examination places considerable weight on current issues. For instance, you will have to go through news websites, newspapers, government publications and other analytical magazines in addition to your regular studies of this kind. It is best to stick with reputable sources because they give a balanced view of what is happening at both national and international levels. It should be noted that current affairs are moving targets; we must, therefore, strive to comprehend the root causes, consequences and probable solutions for them.

For UPSC Online Mock Test Sample Papers and Latest Courses for 2024 Exam – Click Here  

For UPSC Online Previous Year Question Papers for the 2024 Exam – Click Here

Do not forget: Selecting the correct study materials is just one part of your UPSC preparation path. Success is rooted in constancy, discipline and a purposeful approach. Make use of these guidelines to choose learning sources that match your style of learning and move you closer to achieving your ambition of becoming a civil servant.

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