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Everything You Need To Know About ICSE Board Exam 2022 Term-2

Everything You Need To Know About ICSE Board Exam 2022 Term-2

  • December 11, 2021
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books



CISCE has conducted the semester 1 exam in an offline fashion. And now, it's time to pull up the socks and get exam ready for the semester 2 exams.


As semester 1 exams are over, you are well-versed to evaluate your performance for that semester.


Your overall score will depend upon the collective total of term 1 and term 2.


So, if your exams of semester 1 were good then you need to maintain the same dedication for semester 2 also.


But, in case you were not able to perform up to the mark for semester 1 exams, you need to put more effort into semester 2 exams.


Through this semester system, you have a golden opportunity to level up your overall score.


But, before head starting with the preparation, you need to know some important key points about the ICSE board exam 2022.


By moving on further, you will notice some of the key points about ICSE board exam 2022 like:


# When will the board exams be conducted?


# Format of exams


# Bifurcated syllabus


And so on.


So, by walking through further let’s deep dive into these points and see some important details about the ICSE board exams 2022.



1. When will the board exams be conducted?


One of the most important things before starting with any preparation for the semester 2 examination is to know when they will be conducted.


The exact dates are not yet announced by the CISCE but the probable months given are March/April 2022.


To get the exact dates, you should keep on checking the official website of CISCE.


The exams will be conducted online or offline depending upon the Covid-19 situations in the country.


Seeing the probable months, you have approximately 3-4 months to complete your entire syllabus from day 1.


So, if you pay proper attention to the time you have in your hand. You can design a meticulous study plan for your preparation. This will help you score exceptionally well in your semester 2 ICSE exams.


And this will ultimately improve upon your entire board exam score. So, always design your study plan according to the time you have in your hand.



2. Format of exams


CISCE has divided the ISCE board exam into two semesters. Semester 1 exams were conducted in MCQ format but there is no concrete decision about the semester 2 exams.


It is being speculated that the ICSE semester 2 exams will be conducted in an offline fashion.


For semester 2, the exam will be of 80/100 marks. The exam will be taken from the reduced syllabus decided upon by the CISCE.


The syllabus that was already taken up for semester 1 will not be there for the semester 2 examination.


Once the board exams of both semesters are taken then, the final board result will be computed by bringing down the entire score to half.


To get acquainted with the exact format of the exam, stay tuned to the official website of CISCE.


This will help you work in the right direction for the upcoming semester 2 exams.



3. Bifurcated syllabus


Due to the semester system, CISCE has already reduced the syllabus for the 2021-22 academic session. Students need to appear for seven subjects overall.


And these subjects are further divided into three groups. Group I will comprise of 4 compulsory subjects. Group II will comprise 2 optional subjects whereas Group III will comprise 1 optional subject.


For Group I and Group II, the weightage of marks will be 80% for external exams and 20% for an internal exams.


But, on the other hand, for Group III the weightage will be 50% for external exams and 50% for an internal exam.


You can check out the detailed syllabus on the official website of CISCE and see the chapters for semester 2.


In addition to two optional subjects, you can choose an additional subject from Group II.


You can choose any secondary language if you have already chosen Hindi as one of the second languages.


You can see the group bifurcation in a detailed manner from the official website to have a better analysis.



4. Timetable


The exact timetable will be released on the official website of CISCE. As of now, it has not yet been announced.


But, to stay updated with the ICSE semester 2 timetable, you need to check the official website regularly.


Once the timetable is announced, you have to put in your entire hard work and focus on solving an ample number of sample papers.


Most probably, the timetable is announced just a few weeks before the board exams and then you have stipulated time left in your hand.


So, don't wait for the timetable to come up. You should keep on working hard and stay focused on your goal from the very first day of semester 2.



3. Marking Scheme


The marking scheme plays a crucial role in deciding your overall score in board exams. For the upcoming semester 2 exams 2022, the final score will be the aggregate of both semesters.


For the major subjects, there will be 80% weightage for the external marks and 20% weightage for the internal marks.


For any subject, the criteria to get the aggregate will comprise both internal and external marks.


In every subject, section-wise weightage will be given so that you get a fair chance to prepare well for the exam.


The external exam will be conducted for 2 hours and the maximum marks for this exam will be 80 marks.


You can’t leave any section in any subject as each section will be equally important.


You can check the bifurcated syllabus on the official website to know the section-wise division of chapters.


This will make your preparation journey way more easier and helpful. Once you start preparing according to the latest marking scheme you have way bright chances to score well.



Final Thoughts


To get started with any preparation regarding the ICSE board exam semester 2, 2022, it is very essential to know some of the important details about the same.


If you are not aware of these details then it will only hamper your preparation journey.


To score well in your upcoming semester 2 exams, make sure you are well acquainted with the marking scheme and the syllabus because these are the key areas where you need to focus.


Besides that, every section carries equal weightage so you can't leave anything optional.


You have enough time to boost up your preparation and score phenomenally in your board exams.


So, prepare well and stay tuned for all the latest updates.



All the Best!!


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