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UGC NET Previous Years Question Papers for Exam UGC NET Previous Years Question Papers for Exam

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UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper with Solutions | Paper-1

University Grants Commission (UGC) conducts National Eligibility Test (NET) to determine the eligibility of candidates who will become an Assistant professors or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF). This is a computer-based exam which includes two tests in it (Paper- I & Paper - II), and both these tests are conducted in a single session without any break. To crack this exam candidate needs very good preparation and study material. Candidates can take their preparation to the next level with the help of UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper | Paper-1.

With help of these UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper with solutions | Paper-1, candidates will know about the pattern of exams, which types of questions appear in exams and what is the level of papers. By solving these UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper | Paper-1, candidates can improve their speed, time management, proficiency and accuracy. Through these papers, candidates can find from which topics questions are repeated every year and the weightage of topics. These also help candidates to find out their weak points and further work on them. Regular practice from previous year's question papers also boosts lots of confidence of candidates, which further very helps them, and also, after solving these UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper with solutions | Paper-1, candidates can plan their study in a better manner.

Benefits of UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper | Paper-1

There are lots of benefits to using UGC NET Previous Year Question Papers, and some are given below:

Understand the exam pattern

UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper with solutions | Paper-1 are very helpful to candidates in understanding the pattern of question papers in exams. Through this paper, students find which type of questions appears in the exam, in which pattern these questions come, difficulty level, length of paper and many more.

Improve speed

Through using UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper with solutions | Paper-1, candidates can improve their speed of solving questions in the exam, and no candidate wants to lose his/her marks due to attempted questions. Through regular practice from previous year's papers, a candidate will find their speed, and if required, they can improve it through regular practice till they achieve the required speed. Being fast and quick in solving questions is very helpful to score high on this exam.

Improve accuracy

Just being fast in an exam is not sufficient to score high in a competitive exam. Accuracy is also required, or we can say accuracy is a must in exams. Being fast but not correct is very dangerous for candidates who are going to attempt this exam. By using previous year's papers, candidates can find their accuracy and further work on it; if the candidates have good accuracy with the required speed in answering questions, then they are definitely going to score high in this exam.

Boost confidence

It's always good to have prior experience with question papers rather than seeing them first in the exam hall. Previous year's question papers are very helpful for candidates in boosting their confidence. As more and more they practice these UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper with solutions | Paper-1, they become confident for the actual exam. Because though practising these papers, candidates can improve their weaknesses, strategies, speed, accuracy and time management, and they become familiar with the exam pattern, and because of all these, they feel very confident.

Best for self-assessment

Solving UGC NET Previous Year Question Papers is the best method for UGC NET candidates to self-assessing their performance before the actual exam. UGC-NET is one of the toughest exams, and every candidate should know how good or bad they are good in solving question papers. Through self-assessment, candidates will find their weaknesses and can work on them, and they can avoid their repetitive mistakes in the actual exam.

Best for revision

Previous year's question papers are best for revision. When you solve previous year's question papers, you are solving the questions of all topics or the topics which have the most probability of appearing in the exam. As the more previous year's papers you solve, the more you revise.

How to solve UGC NET Previous Year Question Papers

-Do not check the answers to each question alongside which solving Previous Year's Question Papers. First, solve the whole question paper just like an exam, and then after solving the question papers completely, you can check the answers to all questions.

-You must set a timer while solving UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper with solutions | Paper-1. The timer must be the same as the time duration provided in the exam to candidates in the real exam.

-Analyse the time speed, accuracy and average time you are spending on solving each question, and if required, further work on that respective area.

 -While solving these papers, develop short tricks and better strategies to attempt the questions more quickly and accurately.

UGC NET Previous Years Question Papers

UGC NET is conducted to test the ability of candidates for an Assistant professorship or Junior Research Fellowship for universities and colleges in India. Lakhs of students give this test every year. Every candidate who appears for this exam wants to clear it with good marks in order to achieve their goal. For preparations, candidates use lots of material, and UGC NET Previous Years Question Papers are one of the best among them. These papers are very helpful for the candidates in order to acquire knowledge of significant subjects, understand concepts, improve accuracy while solving problems, check their actual abilities, the structure of question paper, difficulty level and understand various aspects of the exam.

Every candidate must solve UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper with solutions | Paper-1 for better preparation. Every student who is preparing for this exam must add previous year's papers in their preparation strategy and solve these papers on a regular basis; this not only increases their knowledge but also boost their confidence.

UGC NET Previous Question Papers- Highlight

UGC NET Previous Year Question Papers


First Shift

Second Shift

Timing of Examination

09.00 am- 12.00 pm

03:00 pm- 6:00 pm

Duration of Examination

03 hours

Entry into the Examination Centre

7.20 am – 8.30 am

1.20 pm -2.30 pm

Entry in the Examination Hall/Room

8.45 am- 9.00 am

2.45 pm- 3.00 pm

Test Commences

9.00 am

03:00 pm

Test Concludes

12.00 pm

6:00 pm

Paper Type

No. of Questions


Paper 1 (Teaching/Research Aptitude)



Paper 2 (Based on core subject)






Benefits of solving UGC NET Previous Years Question Papers

There are numerous benefits of solving UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper with solutions | Paper-1. Some are: -

-These papers are very helpful in understanding the pattern of question papers. By solving these papers, candidates can understand the pattern of the exam and become familiar with it. They can find out from which topics questions repeat, the weightage of sections, length of papers, difficulty level, required time and many more.

-Through regular practice from previous year's papers, candidates can improve their speed. When candidates solve these papers regularly, then it becomes easy for candidates to solve the actual exam within a given time and not lose marks due to un-attempted questions. Being quick at competitive exams is very crucial to achieve high scores.

-To develop good accuracy, UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper with solutions | Paper-1 are essential. Candidates can find their weak areas and mistakes by solving these papers. Through regular analysis of mistakes and rectifications, candidates become more accurate in actual exams. Without accuracy, no candidate can achieve desired results.

-In boosting the confidence of candidates, solving the previous year's papers plays a very important role. When candidates solve these papers regularly, they become familiar with the question paper and have already worked on their weaknesses before the exam. While practicing the previous year's papers, candidates also develop some strategies and tricks to solve the papers, which again gives lots of confidence to candidates.

-Solving UGC NET Previous Year Question Paper with solutions | Paper-1 is best for quick revision. When candidates solve multiple question papers, they are automatically covering all the major and important topics.

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