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  • December 25, 2021
  • Posted By : Oswaal Books
Student life is not at all easy as it seems to be.
You need to learn several subjects and revise many topics during your entire year.
And, in between all these learning transitions you tend to forget several things.
If you are a student, you would be able to co-relate to these things easily.
Now, what if I say that there is a brilliant 5-minute technique to help you learn the topics and concepts for the long run?
The strategy is called Memory Journaling.
With the assistance of this strategy, you can easily keep the concepts in your memory for the long run.
So, let’s get on memory journaling.

The working force behind the memory journaling

One of the most important things to address before moving to memory journaling is how does this strategy works?
Memory journaling is the strategy that uses the combination of Retrieval Practice and Spaced Learning Techniques.

Now, what are these techniques?

Retrieval Practice deals with bringing information into the memory that you remember. When you try to fetch the information in the memory then the facts related to it become even more durable and stronger.
On the other hand, Spaced Learning deals with spreading the learning over time. This implies that you should revisit the topics after a designated time interval i.e. after a day, week, and month.
Both of these are very wonderful techniques and when combined they give way for the strategy of Memory Journaling.

Let’s have a sneak peek at Memory Journaling.

  1. Focus on broad areas

While using the memory journaling strategy don’t burn out your mind if you don’t remember every minute detail of the lecture taught in the class.
This technique is only viable to focus on broad concepts. Just try to remember what the teacher broadly taught in the class. Make sure to remember the concepts taught and not the material within it.
  1. Don’t sneak early

Once you try remembering the concepts told in the class but somehow you are not able to get them to your memory. Then only that time you are allowed to sneak into your notes to check it.
This will give you more clarity about the concept. Moreover, when you sneak into your notes, mark that thing in a different color.
It will make things easier for you during exam times.
  1. Practice memory journaling regularly at the same time

While you implement this technique in your daily routine, make sure that you devote the 5-minutes daily at the same time whether in the morning or evening.
When you do this, then it will become like a ritual to you. And you will feel an inner urge every day to practice this strategy for your daily routine.
  1. Maintain the momentum

Doing this technique irregularly is of no use. If you don’t practice it regularly then it won’t show any promising results to you.
Make sure that you do it every single day. When you do it regularly then you are not only preparing yourself for the final exam. But, you will also gain an abundance of confidence and motivation.
  1. Make yourself feel accomplished

Memory journaling is something that can turn the table for you.
Once you have done this for the day, make it a habit to write down about it. This will not only assist in keeping a tab of your daily practice. But, you will also feel more accomplished.

How memory journaling can make a difference in your life?

Have you ever imagined that a 5-minute daily routine has so much power to make things work for you?
But, with this practice, you can surely get great grades for your final exams without any trouble.
Here are a few of the differences that this technique can make in your life.
  1. Offers the power of spaced learning

No doubt, spaced learning is alone very powerful. But, when this technique gets combined with the retrieval practice them memory journaling comes into the picture.
This can be very effective for your overall grades and performance throughout the session.
  1. 5-minutes make a difference

Without even coming into your consideration, you can see that how these daily 5-minutes can make a remarkable change in your life.
If you maintain consistency then these daily five minutes account for 22.5 hours over 9 months. That is just equivalent to the time you devote for the entire year in one class.
Isn’t it great!!
  1. Imbibes the habit

When you have the practice of memory journaling then it doesn’t become a great deal to start with the exam preparation.
You can easily switch to preparation mode with the assistance of this technique in a hassle-free manner.

Final Thoughts

Memory Journaling is a great 5-minute revision concept that you should inculcate in your routine.
If consistency is kept, then you can surely improve upon your grades with this strategy.
Just fix a time for yourself and give 5-minutes of your daily routine to this technique and see the changes taking place around you.
So, what are you waiting for? Use this technique from the starting of your session and see remarkable results.
Do write us in the comment section below about the results after you use this technique.


All the Best!

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